Physio101 Dry Needling

Dry Needling


What Is Dry Needling?

Dry Needling is a technique Physiotherapists use for the treatment of pain and movement impairments. The technique involves a ‘dry’ needle, one without medication or injection, which is inserted into painful or dysfunctional parts of the muscle.

Other terms commonly used to describe Dry Needling include Medical Acupuncture and Intramuscular Manual Therapy.

The Dry Needling used in Physiotherapy, while using a similar needle, is different to the Acupuncture used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dry needling uses a different technique and theory which is evidenced in Western Medical journals such as the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies.

All of Physio 101’s Physiotherapists are highly trained in Dry Needling with many years of experience.

There are no additional charges for dry needling, it is included in the standard session rate.